
March 2022 | Kickstarter Campaign

After a period of struggling brainstorming and two important events in my life, having no money to invest, I decided to take courage and start

My new project “Spotted” it is now on Kickstarter. I am launching a new line of products and I am looking for the support of the Kickstarter and web community to provide the initiating sparkle!
The aim of the campaign is to be able to buy an electric lathe. For more than 10 years, indeed,  I have worked clay with purely manual techniques: with coils and slab. A year ago I have began to approach the throwing process but with a lathe that is not mine. Now I would like to devote more time to this technique and to be able to do it I need a lathe all to myself. I am building my work slowly, step by step, and this is another step to add to my professionalism.
Kickstarter Campaign

Watch here the Campaign Video and visit the Blog page if you want to know more about how I decided to become a Ceramist.